Two papers from Project UNTANGLED were presented at the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) conference, held in Prague on 21-23 September.
By fostering a demand for new types of services, globalisation has the potential to positively impact employment in developing countries. Nonetheless, technological advancements might result in job losses, a trend illustrated by two case studies conducted on the South African economy and the labour market sector.
Contrary to concerns that globalisation and trade liberalisation would have negative consequences for growth and living standards in less developed areas, a recent study by the UNTANGLED project reveals that the disparities in GDP per capita between rural and urban regions have decreased in the European Union over the last two decades.
On 23 November the UNTANGLED project is holding its final conference, “Labour market effects and social impact of technological transformation, globalisation, and demographic change”. The event will take place at KU Leuven on the Campus of Social Sciences, and we are accepting submissions of papers until 29 September.