Project Untangled

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Project Untangled



    On 21 April, all consortium partners met to officially launch UNTANGLED, setting out on our three-year mission to explore the effects of technological transformations, globalisation and demographic change on labour markets. In normal times the official inauguration of this Horizon2020 project would have taken place at KU Leuven, but due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions it was held online.

    The meeting started with welcoming speeches from Geert Van Hootegem, general director at KU Leuven’s HIVA institute, which is leading UNTANGLED, and Project Coordinator Monique Ramioul. Kerstin Wilde, a project officer at European Commission Research Executive Agency, gave a brief but important presentation on the Agency’s expectations, including how the project should be managed in areas such as relations with the Commission, periodic reporting, collaboration with other projects and impact. Nele Van Eesbeek of KU Leuven talked about the administrative, financial and legal aspects of UNTANGLED.
    This was followed by two sessions devoted to work packages. The first featured presentations from the leaders of three work packages that affect all the others – WP2: Framework of joint infrastructure, WP8: Stakeholder engagement and WP9: Dissemination and Communication. After a break, it was time for presentations from the leaders of the three key research packages launched in the first project phase: WP3: Macro-level analysis, WP4: Meso-level analysis, and WP5: Micro-level analysis. Task leaders also talked about how they want to approach their research agendas in the coming months, and discussed how to organise and share responsibilities to provide the best possible results, on time.
    All of us are looking forward to being able to hold our next meeting offline. In the meantime, we’ll be sure to keep you posted on the next deliverables as they arise: webinars, papers and much more!

    2021 © UNTANGLED. All rights reserved.
    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004776

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