Project Untangled

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Project Untangled

    WP6: Scenarios for Europe and its territory

    In this work project, we will develop two sets of alternative and extreme scenario assumptions for Europe, simulating their effects on regional and national GDP growth, employment growth, regional inequalities and skills composition, and extrapolating future trends to support policy recommendations in WP7.

    We will build the scenarios based on different assumptions regarding how the main driving forces of change play out in the medium to long run, drawing lessons from past economic crises. Separately, we will create scenarios on the basis of different assumptions regarding how companies choose production technologies. We will then compare the two models’ results, preparing the ground for policy recommendations in WP7, and simulate the results of various policies. This WP will yield a report on the results of the scenarios with and without policy simulations, and two research papers, on:

    • technological transformations and regional inequalities: Europe in 15 years’ time

    • digital skills and competences: future needs in different sectors

    WP6 leader: POLIMI

    Contact Person: Roberta Capello

    Partners involved: KU Leuven, LISER, IBS, WIIW, ZSI, ESRI, UNIPG, POLIMI.

    2021 © UNTANGLED. All rights reserved.
    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004776

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